Roles: Game Design, UX/UI, Prototyping, In-Engine Animation, Motion Graphics, Illustration
codeSpark PreK
The bulk of the work I created for codeSpark was used for the new Pre-Kindergarten section of the app. Funded by a grant, codeSpark's PreK section is designed to teach pre-coding concepts such as sequencing, patterns, and loops. Highlights from my work in the PreK section include:
• Guiding the design during the production phase to a successful release of 3 projects (Pick That Pattern, Foo Rescue, and Doodle Looper).
• Conducted 9 playtests with children 3-5 years old and synthesized the results into actionable requests
• Designing and creating a coded digital prototype for an upcoming 4th project
Pick That Pattern
Work Highlights:
• Designed 150 levels
• Designed tutorials teaching players patterns and pattern units.
• Designed and animated payoffs for dominoes, magnet tiles, and horse levels
• Wrote one sheets for all 8 characters and helped direct voice actors
Foo Rescue
Work Highlights:
• Designed end to end on project, starting from documenting the original concept through guiding the implementation
• Designed all 42 levels of the game
• Created animated mockups for features such as the ghost guide and highlighting the transition from tutorial space to coding space
Animated mockups of game features created in Adobe After Effects.
Doodle Looper
Work Highlights:
• Revised design doc for production and led design during integration
• Designed ending payoff animation
• Designed and created mockups for all 3 target payoff animations
codeSpark Prime
While most of my time was spent developing pre-kindergarten content for codeSpark, I also helped perform liveops for our main section of the app.
Work Highlights:
• Designed end to end on undo/redo feature in creative modes
• Animated intros for
"Conditionals v Events" and "Cooking Up Conditionals"
• Created 6 activities in the the codeSpark printable workbook

• Integrated 3D assets into codeSpark project by creating prefabs of models, editing game scripts, and adding line items to a database
Animated Mockups for Undo/Redo feature. Created using Adobe After Effects.
 codeSpark is available for download on:
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